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Saturday, May 1, 2010

The Adams Family...but how are we related to the Presidents?

Yes, indeed, we are related. We're cousins of the late Presidents of the United States. The Adams family can be traced back to Henry Adams, one of the founding fathers of the United States. He and his wife, Edith Squire, had seven sons. Documentation can be found in the book "A Genealogical History of Henry Adams of Braintree, Mass. and his descendants", written by Andrew N. Adams and published in 1898. Generations are stated as follows:

The Presidential Line:

*1st - Henry Adams
*2nd - Joseph Adams, Sr. (1626-1694)
*3rd - Joseph Adams, Jr. (1654-1737)
*4th - John Adams, Sr. (1690-1761)
*5th - President John Adams (1735-1836)
*6th - President John Quincy Adams (1767-1848)

Our Line:

*1st - Henry Adams
*2nd - Peter Adams
*3rd - Joseph Adams. (1668-1748)
*4th - Joseph Adams (1707-___)
*5th - Samuel Adams
*6th - Simon Adams
*7th - Anson Adams
*8th - Fanny Adams
(*included in book which ends with Fanny)
9th - Robert Johnson
10th - Arba Johnson

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